Citizenship and Naturalization Services
U.S. Citizenship may be obtained through birth in the U.S., birth abroad to U.S. citizen parents, or by naturalization. Qualifying lawful permanent residents can apply for citizenship through naturalization. Services include:
N-400 Naturalization
N-648 Medical Waivers
N-600 Acquisition or Derivation of Citizenship
N-565 Replace Naturalization or Citizenship Certificate

American Citizenship can be gained by birth or by naturalization.
A person may be born as a U.S. citizen if they were born in the United States or born abroad to one or more U.S. citizen parents.
Naturalization is the process through which an immigrant can become a U.S. citizen. Only certain immigrants are eligible for Naturalization, such as those who have been green card holders, also known as lawful permanent residents, for a minimum number of years.
Eligibility for Naturalization requires an assessment of many factors, including travel history, moral character, criminal and immigration violations, and other legal and factual criteria.
Benefits of U.S. Citizenship include:
Protection from Deportation: U.S. citizens are protected from deportation, except under extremely rare circumstances, such as fraud.
Citizenship for Children: When a parent naturalizes, lawful permanent resident children living in their custody automatically become U.S. citizens.
Family Reunification: U.S. citizens can file petitions for their spouse, parents, children, and siblings. Some U.S. citizen relatives do not have to wait for a visa, making their immigration process shorter.
Eligibility for Government Jobs: Some jobs are available only to U.S. citizens, such as those in the federal government.
Freedom of Travel: Lawful permanent residents are restricted in how long they can spend abroad without jeopardizing their green card, while U.S. citizens have the freedom to travel without these restrictions.
Right to Vote: only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections.
Public Benefits: many public benefits and government programs are more accessible and less restrictive for U.S. citizens.